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Old November 4th, 2014, 12:52 PM
Loki-dokey Loki-dokey is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Ontario
Posts: 14
Bored smart dog? Frustrated not-so-bright dog?

I don't know what to *do* with Loki, my maybe-4-month old going-to-be-a-big-dog mixer.

I do part-time work from home, which means I have a variable schedule, and a portion of my day can focus on my new pup while my 3 kiddos are at school.

We just started obedience and their recommendation is NOT to take puppers for walks until he's better on leash, since he pulls and we don't want to reinforce that behaviour inadvertently (I totally get that) so as a result he and I hang out in the backyard on some days, depending on my schedule: I let him wander around, sniffing and being a dog, sometimes I'll play tug with his rope toy (in the Ian Dunbar way: 30 secs of tugging, then a 'thank you' and sit, and then start up again), and sometimes I'll just run around and let him chase me.

Some days we don't do that, and a larger portion is spent inside, with maybe only a brief outside time, or a quick(ish) walk to the mailbox.

On any given day we also spend time inside doing "training" like the sit/stay/down, go find it, where's mummy, and where's the treat under the paper cup.

I need him to have time to enjoy his kong or bone, or rope toy on his own so I can focus on work, but he really doesn't seem interested. He'll empty his kong in a short amount of time, or becomes disinterested if the treats (apple, PB, liver) are too hard to get out and then he starts to roam around the main floor where I work at my desk. He seems really bored!

How can I encourage him to be more persistent with getting out the treats so it can keep him occupied longer, or give him some chewy toy to enjoy longer than 10 minutes?

Please ask any questions which might help gain a bigger picture, and I welcome any suggestions. We played and trained for almost 2 hours this morning and he's conked out in his crate right now (I know, good time to do some work! But alas, here I am lol) but I cannot do this all the time, and this afternoon is surely going to be tough when I need him to be quiet and contented in his bed at my feet.

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