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Old September 29th, 2014, 04:55 AM
Kris35 Kris35 is offline
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Posts: 20
Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
What various foods (brands, flavours, wet or dry?) has she had over the years?

Have you ever tried feeding her a (balanced) raw diet?

Slippery elm bark powder and/or probiotics are also something to consider, if you haven't already.
Oops forgot to subscribe to thread so thought nobody had replied. Yes tried her on a balanced raw diet but she will not touch it. Even bought her raw kangaroo and tried steaming it slightly, but no she just will not eat it. Ive done probiotics and have heard of slippery elm but havent tried that. Just dont think it will work anyway but perhaps I could give it a try.

I have fed her rubbish brands over the years with animal derivatives....all the usual like Sheba etc. She craves this stuff but is on a complete ban now.

Tried her on Ziwi peak venison but poos still the same. Tried her on James Well change. Now she is on Integra Protect kangaroo and Amaranth as I thought Id try a novel protein and carb.

Im confused about grains though. Ive read you should feed a simple bland diet of boiled chicken and rice for sensitive tummies but then I read that cats arent meant to eat grains. So Ive looked for grain free high quality foods for her and they usually have potato or tomatoes in them.
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