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Old September 4th, 2014, 05:41 PM
Angelbabe1uk Angelbabe1uk is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Pembrokeshire In Wales
Posts: 4
He has just been to the tray
Again no blood
And the stool has a normal shape to it not a splat like a cow pat
I'm starting to think maybe the go cat kitten biscuits had something to do with it or maybe made it more irritable
Go cat kitten biscuits contain milk and thinking back I gave him some kitten milk at 4 months old and he was in and out the tray most of that day so I never gave it to him again
He has been on the different biscuits now for a few days so the other biscuits have been gotten rid of now so fingers crossed he will settle down
If not I will be ringing the vets and demanding an appointment for him
Since him and Jaspa were wormed two days ago they have both cut down on the amounts of food there eating and Jaspa hasn't been trying to steal off anybody who is eating
Mikeo has never done that at all
But Jaspa was a rescue kitten and had to fight to get food poor baby
I'm off to bed now as I know now ill better now there no more blood
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