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Old May 22nd, 2013, 06:52 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by minmin12 View Post
Hi, everybody, it is with joy and sadness I post this today. I am still in disbelief. I had to do what is most important for Moses. This is me now .
I could not offer him what he desired a job. Yesterday Moses and I went for a drive, met a woman, and chit chatted. Now My little Treasure: is in a new home and doing great, he more likely is not going to remain in my Province. Moses is going to do, what he had been born to do. Moses is moving to Vancouver where he is going to join the Search and Rescue Team.
I had not been capable of offering him anything except my love, heart and anything else that we all do with our furry children. He is better in his new home than with me. They are going to work with him, when he is ready away he goes. Now I am going to have to watch the news, he may be on it. I am going to request for information about him on his new journey of life. I am extremely empty at this moment, but in my heart of hearts, I did the correct thing for my little boy. My Belgian Malinois is going off to sail in the Sunset.
. It is extremely quiet in my home now, I still have my other dog, but Moses, he would be yankering to play. He slept with me on my bed, he laid by my side on the couch with me. I want to thank everybody who supported Moses and I during our tuff times. I am crying again, I did the correct thing for him, my heart and brain are not in sync yet. Its going to take time
I think a lot of us had that same feeling of our heart and mind not being in sync when making the right decision about a pet. What you did was very kind and thoughtful , Moses will always remember you .
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