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Old October 26th, 2012, 04:51 PM
Kittystylez Kittystylez is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 24
It's been over a month!! I just don;t know what to do anymore!!! HELP!

I have 2 Bengal kittens 1 male and 1 female - same breeder, different litters, but they are half siblings. We got the male (Neko) first and the female (Snooki) 10days later.

When Neko first came (Sept 8) he had great looking stool - firm tootsie rolls

Then when Snooki came (Sept 18), her first stool was the consistency of pudding and within days Neko's was the same.

At the breeder both kittens had been on science diet and performatrim canned (sp?), and after getting Neko I had started to read about Hills SD and decided this was not the most nutritional food on the market for my babies so I slowly started moving him off the breeders food and onto Wellness kitten dry and wet... 10 days later when we got Snooki (on a whim - she was our unplanned kitten) Neko was completely off the food he was eating at the breeder and still doing good! Within days of us having the new addition, both cats had pudding poops... so I chalked it up to stress since the kittens did not get along the first few days and they had gotten their shots.

A week later and no improvement I saw Neko poop a clear mucus on a Friday afternoon. I wasn't sure what to do and so I looked on the net to see if this was enough cause for alarm warranting an emergency visit to the vet. I read that to settle their stomach I could make a home made boiled chicken and rice dinner, which I did and left them on all weekend. By Tuesday there was no improvement from the earlier pudding poops so I called the vet... explained and he advised to keep giving them the chicken and rice and to mix in a small spoon of lactose and fat free yogurt, which I did and by thursday no real improvement so we booked a vet visit for the friday, but longer story a bit shorter we ended up leaving another stool sample (our second as I opted to check for worms and such when we gave them shots and this was a more "indepth" test) we went back the monday and they got meds for colitis (salazopyrin)

5 days no improvement back to the vet, (I started reading on wellness for kittens and read some complaints that this food caused bad poops for some kittens so I changed their food and now we are on Blue buffalo kitten food). Vet told me that was naughty and not to change their food again and now they are on panacur for 7 days but I am not seeing any improvement!

I called my breeder yesterday and told her how the kittens have been doing... and she immediately said - too much protein, the meds are not good for them and that stuff kills their intestines - take away the wet food give them dry only. But then... that goes against everything i ever read and knew about cats that they should be having wet to get more mosture in their diet (which was the downfall of my older cat who started to develop kidney and liver problems for lack of moisture). Why would my vet give me panacur for my kittens if it's bad for them? I asked about learning to use a raw diet, and she said it's amazing... but only for the female and not the male? But I can't do that... they eat together and share food. And that left me confused also... why can't the male have raw?

I am just on information overload and is seems that every corner I turn I read that what I think is bad is good and what is good is bad, vet says SD is not bad for cats... despite the corn and meat by product??? I just dunno anymore what to do... fact of the matter is... I have 2 kittens who are playing... eating well and seem content, but they have had diarrhea for over a month now!

What do I do???
This is a lot to read!
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