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Old December 31st, 2011, 02:23 PM
Jaqkey47 Jaqkey47 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 2
Dog policing cats

I know this isn't an inspired reply, but this is what I do.

Have three cats. Sometimes they play, so times they fight, briefly.

Have two dogs, one of which is a puppy.

Whenever my cats try to play at anything my dogs will jump right in and take over. My six year old dog, who is very well behaved has one fault.....Getting involved in the cats. The excitement of the dogs makes the cats get out of there.

I tell the dogs to leave, physically getting in between them and the cats. They have to go the other other end of room and either sit or lay down.

When the cats start going at each other, I stand up and tell them in a very stern voice to "quit it" and they do.

I have always had this dynamic with dogs and cats that I have been lucky enough to have in my life. I just figure its a part of owning cats and dogs.

One last thing, my cats and dogs do get along when there is not a lot of excitement. They will groom and sleep in the same place with each other.

Know this probably hasn't been a great help, but just know it is pretty normal behavior. Good Luck

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