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Old August 27th, 2011, 02:23 PM
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renegaderuby renegaderuby is offline
Unofficial Zookeeper
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: tx
Posts: 268
Thought I'd post another quick idea. since they have a different frame of mind when performing tricks , or doing a "act" to get a treat.
If the sit, treat, go to put on leash and the dog acts mad routine gets old....
Get them to go thru a few cycles of thier "tricks" . It puts them in a more "calm" state of mind..because they have to "focus" ..and "perform" to get the treat.
It should calm them enough to get the leash on them.

you could also try...anytime they do thier tricks (again different state of mind) have thier leash ON them while doing them.

So...get leash, click on ...make perform tricks...treat. Take leash off.
Do this over and over....(at non walking times)...then they will "get" that when you click that leash on...they may be going for a walk. They may not. But they will have to sit, roll over, shake hands..(whatever) ...BEFORE they get to do anything else.

Hope I make sense.

Reason I say when my pups are restless...we break out the 'tricks" bag. Its like it just refocuses thier mental state or soemthing.
We've even found bullet shapped icecubes (like at sonic ) a good "totally fat free" and "healthy" treat..that our pups . LOVE
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