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Angelbabe1uk September 3rd, 2014 09:50 PM

6 month old loose stools and now blood in them?
Hiya I've had cats many many years but this is really confusing me as I've never come across it before with any of my cats/kittens
My 6 month old Mikeo has from day one has rather gassy smelly farts and never had what I would call a formed poop?
He has always has a loose poop the only way to describe it is like a cow pat lol
Now today I have noticed it also now has blood in it like it's aggravating his bowel possibly?
He still is his usual self eating drinking playing ect and is quite heavier than the other kitten who is 5 weeks younger but the same height and body size
His mum is a micro cat so that maybe why he is the same size as a younger cat
He has a mixed diet of Felix as good as it looks flakes meat and perina one kitten biscuits
He was on go cat biscuits with Felix but I've changed them as I know some cats are lactose intollorent and go cat contains milk
He is wormed monthly with advocate and also has worming syrup to irradiate worms the advocate doesn't kill
Thinking back to when I first got him at 12 weeks old he would go for a pooh and I'd have to wash his bottom as it would be wet with poop because he wouldn't lift his bottom up so sat in it
But now he is better at going but still has sloppy stools 4 months on?
I asked the vets but they said just to worm regular and as long as he is growing normal/eating/drinking/correct weight there's nothing to worry about
I've been looking up on the Internet and found there's a possibility he may have some parasite :cry:
The other kitten who is 5 weeks younger called Jaspa is constantly greedy and often pushes Mikeo out the way of his food so I have to separate them to enable Mikeo to get his food
I live in the UK so I have to buy foods available here :cry:
I've tried him on whiskers but that makes his flatulance worse and stools looser
He often pinches the adults meat & biscuits they have adult Felix & adult perina one
Even though there fed behind a closed door away from the kittens he shoots out as soon as the door is opened and makes a beeline for what ever they have left behind
He came from an in bread household they have or had 13 cats all inter-related eg mum pregnant to her dad/brother/son ect
Not a very good thing I know but the vet gave him a good checking and said he was fine
He is a beautiful all black cat with bright yellow eyes and gorgeous temperament
If you offer him a cat snack he takes gentle off you and never begs unlike Jaspa my rescue kitten who will grab stuff from your plate if gets the chance!
:fingerscr it's something I can sort with Mikeo with help of you all
Any ideas are welcome
Many thanx
Tina :thumbs up

Longblades September 4th, 2014 07:03 AM

He needs to see your Vet again. Document a history as much as you possibly can. Is the blood bright red? Or dark and tarry and part of the stool? The latter might indicate internal bleeding while the former might be due to a tear in his tissues near his rectum but either way, so much diarrhoea needs investigating. Your Vet will most likely want a stool sample and mine provides little containers to scoop it up with, fresh as possible. Good luck.

sugarcatmom September 4th, 2014 07:34 AM

Has the vet ever actually tested a stool sample for anything? I think just throwing de-wormers at the problem without doing any investigating is pretty irresponsible. Are there any other vets you can go to for a second opinion?

Also, check out these links on how diet and gastrointestinal issues are often related:

Angelbabe1uk September 4th, 2014 05:05 PM

Mikeo seems completely different again today?
Stools not as loose and no sign of any blood at all?
Could the worming syrup have aggravated his bowel maybe?
I rang my vets today but they refused to see him unless I had £37 for the consultation and then at least another £30 on top for checking the stools and treatment :cry:
I even told them I'm on benefits and not paid till Saturday and still they refused any treatment or even looking at him
They used to have a clinic ran by the R.S.P.C.A. But they scrapped in fever of the PDSA which only treats one pet that has to be neutered and had all injections and you have to send a £5 postal order which costs about £6.50 & takes 30 days to register :frustrated:
They said I can't take him in on sat because it's for emergencies only and this isn't an emergency
There isn't another vet very close the other three in other areas are all between an hour & two hours bus ride away so I'm stuck using just the one we have
The blood in his stool yesterday was dark red but there's been no more since?
He is still playing/eating/drinking/ect he isn't hot or cold to the touch or getting out of breath after playing
I hate it when something happens to any of my babies
I'll keep you all informed how he is and I'll look at the links you were so kind to send me thank you :thumbs up

Angelbabe1uk September 4th, 2014 05:07 PM

[QUOTE=sugarcatmom;1068050]Has the vet ever actually tested a stool sample for anything? I think just throwing de-wormers at the problem without doing any investigating is pretty irresponsible. Are there any other vets you can go to for a second opinion?

Also, check out these links on how diet and gastrointestinal issues are often related:

All they seem to do is try to give me costly de-wormers and say they have worms :eek:

Angelbabe1uk September 4th, 2014 05:41 PM

He has just been to the tray
Again no blood :)
And the stool has a normal shape to it not a splat like a cow pat :)
I'm starting to think maybe the go cat kitten biscuits had something to do with it or maybe made it more irritable
Go cat kitten biscuits contain milk and thinking back I gave him some kitten milk at 4 months old and he was in and out the tray most of that day so I never gave it to him again
He has been on the different biscuits now for a few days so the other biscuits have been gotten rid of now so fingers crossed he will settle down
If not I will be ringing the vets and demanding an appointment for him :)
Since him and Jaspa were wormed two days ago they have both cut down on the amounts of food there eating and Jaspa hasn't been trying to steal off anybody who is eating
Mikeo has never done that at all
But Jaspa was a rescue kitten and had to fight to get food poor baby
I'm off to bed now as I know now ill :sleepy: better now there no more blood :thumbs up

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