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marko March 1st, 2011 09:30 AM

March 2011 - photo challenge - Yawning/Sleeping
Last month's BW challenge was awesome!

Anyone got suggestions for this month?

here's a couple of suggestions
- sleepy pets
- yawning
- mealtime

Feel free to support any of these or suggest something totally new.

The theme with the most support by late tonite/tomorrow morning becomes this month's challenge.



I've got some great yawning shots, and tons of sleeping ones. Perhaps a yawning/sleeping combo theme?

i can pull off yawning and or sleepy but no way am i gonna get an eating one,,,poof its gone.

They all work for me. :thumbs up

I seem to recall a conversation (I think in the TJT whilst lurking :o) in Feb about a picture that was posted there being a good one for the March picture challenge. Darned if I can remember who it belonged to but maybe this will prick their memory and they can suggest it here?

Yes 14+ I suggested "Spring is in the air". Get outdoors on those beautiful spring like days and take pics of your pets. :thumbs up

[QUOTE=Marty11;989660]Yes 14+ I suggested "Spring is in the air". Get outdoors on those beautiful spring like days and take pics of your pets. :thumbs up[/QUOTE]

That was it! I thought it was a great idea except for indoor kitties. But they could find sunbeams and bright windows. :thumbs up Seeing as the drowsy pets seem to be winning out for this month maybe yours would be a good one for April. :fingerscr

[QUOTE=Marty11;989660]Yes 14+ I suggested "Spring is in the air". Get outdoors on those beautiful spring like days and take pics of your pets. :thumbs up[/QUOTE]

I WISH spring was in the air! Currently -25 deg Celcius here, with very little relief in sight. Makes me want to hibernate, come to think of it. Yawn. ;)

So how bout "Coming out of Hibernation" sleepy pets :sleepy: for March and save the "Spring and Sunbeams" for April?

[QUOTE=14+kitties;989655]I seem to recall a conversation (I think in the TJT whilst lurking :o) in Feb about a picture that was posted there being a good one for the March picture challenge. Darned if I can remember who it belonged to but maybe this will prick their memory and they can suggest it here?[/QUOTE]

It was in LP's "What a Beautiful Day" thread! :lightbulb:


I like "Spring is in the Air" however; those nice long walks on muckie streets play havock on Mollie and Gryphon's white bellies! :yell:

[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"][I]But could be picture worthy though? :D[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[QUOTE=Marty11;989677]So how bout "Coming out of Hibernation" sleepy pets :sleepy: for March and save the "Spring and Sunbeams" for April?[/QUOTE]

I vote for this one. :thumbs up

doggy lover March 1st, 2011 02:25 PM

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Oh I just found this one of my dog Travis:rip: it was one of my favorites

doggy lover March 1st, 2011 02:45 PM

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the kitties and Tucker sleeping, they are sweet when they are asleep just like children:D

kathryn March 1st, 2011 06:33 PM

Maxwell yawning

Maxwell at bed time taking over my bed as usual

Mr. Sniffles yawning

the rest are camera phone pics lol sorry

Mr. Kitten sleeping in my laundry


Mr. Kitten in my bed


Just a few of them in my bed...



Rottielover March 1st, 2011 07:24 PM

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I like the sleepy time pics

marko March 2nd, 2011 08:09 AM

Hi members,
Normally we agree on the topic by majority before we start posting the actual pics.............but since it was going in the direction of the chosen theme anyway......, s'all good.

Fun pics so far - just love those legs in the air while sleeping pix :crazy:

Thx! marko

Marty11 March 2nd, 2011 09:24 AM

Rookie sleeping on Connor
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He used to fall asleep on the golden and it was pretty funny when he would fall off from a sudden movement. :laughing:

luckypenny March 2nd, 2011 04:20 PM

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Sleepy pets make :angel: pets :cloud9:.

Sandman took this one of Penny on his bed this afternoon...I had to edit it a bit :rolleyes:.

Dog Dancer March 2nd, 2011 04:25 PM

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Sleeping dog pics are easy for me, it's like all they do!!! :D

Shadow sleeping at work and Halo sleeping at home. Sorry they're huge.

Inthedoghouse March 2nd, 2011 04:52 PM

Oh no you don't !
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Lucy sleeping, making sure her back feet are tucked in, so "Mum" won't cut her toenails while she's sleeping!
Love the photos so far...... how many entries can we have for the contest?

aslan March 2nd, 2011 04:53 PM

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totally uncomfortable looking to me but whatever works i guess.

Dee-O-Gee March 2nd, 2011 06:41 PM

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Bella's new sleeping spot.


Mollie lounging in the back seat of my car.


Kitty's three o'clock Siesta!


Dee-O-Gee March 2nd, 2011 06:44 PM

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Oh the warmth of the sun! :cloud9:


I know I've posted this one before but thought it was suiting. :D


Gryphon making up his own time out! :)


hazelrunpack March 2nd, 2011 07:22 PM

Love the pics so far! But now I'm yawning! :laughing:

CarolynInPEI March 2nd, 2011 07:41 PM

Baby Angus
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Here are a couple of Angus from his puppy days.....

Inthedoghouse March 2nd, 2011 07:50 PM

oh that second photo is SO funny - I had to stand on my head to find out where your dog's head was, lol

sugarcatmom March 2nd, 2011 09:02 PM

Aztec yawns a lot:




So does Cinnamon Girl:



And Peppercorn;


reanne March 3rd, 2011 03:01 AM

Please excuse the quality of this one, it's a film pic I scanned the other night. Tigger and Kiwi, they were best of buds!
My littlest niece at 18mos with Whistler

kittygirl March 3rd, 2011 05:19 PM

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Oh boy - there are so many to choose from!
One of my fav's: King 'helpin' me with paperwork. He has a short attention span.

BenMax March 3rd, 2011 05:50 PM

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Doobie and Blu[ATTACH]72562[/ATTACH]

hankypanky March 3rd, 2011 05:57 PM

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One of Hank as a baby, fell asleep in a pile of pillows.

Inthedoghouse March 4th, 2011 10:31 AM

....when I was a little bitty baby....
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November 2009 - Lucy eight weeks old
With her new pink collar and pink toy
This was during the day and she never did sleep in the crate at night - Mum let her sleep in the puppy bed in her room the first night and that was it !
The crate made it's way to the garage.....for storage :-)

chico2 March 4th, 2011 05:45 PM

What a great thread,love all the sleeping babies..
SCM,those kitty-pics are hilarious:laughing:
BM,I've never seen your kitties they are beautiful:lovestruck:

All the adorable pups,just too many to comment on:cloud9:

CarolynInPEI March 7th, 2011 12:08 PM

Bailey Sleeping
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Here is a pic of Bailey sleeping on one of the chairs. The quality isn't that great since it was taken with my phone. I would have woken her up by going and getting the camera.
She sleeps in the some of the strangest positions! Here is a cute one..

ancientgirl March 7th, 2011 12:37 PM

Wow, so many wonderful shots!

Here's Kiska having a snooze.

Oksana doing something she hasn't done in ages, which is sleep on my lap.

Here's a twofer with the boys.

And lastly, here's Czari.

I know I've got some yawning photo's somewhere. I'll have to look.

marko March 7th, 2011 01:06 PM

These are so awesome everyone! :highfive:

Carmy and i are just starting to talk about getting some new furballs - but this month I'll probably steel a photo of the neighbour's cat.

BenMax March 7th, 2011 01:14 PM

[QUOTE=chico2;990899]What a great thread,love all the sleeping babies..
SCM,those kitty-pics are hilarious:laughing:
BM,I've never seen your kitties they are beautiful:lovestruck:


Thank you Chico2. They are my shelter cats that I got. Why would anyone go to a breeder when this is where they dump them??? Anyways - they are 2 of my stinkers..but I love them.:cloud9: I have 2 more angels...I just have to get pictures of them snoring away...

Gail P March 11th, 2011 10:58 AM

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Sleepy Dru

Flurry making himself comfy on the couch

lap full of sleeping puppies. this was Rain and Storm's litter

BastienBully March 11th, 2011 11:11 AM

Wow! some really awsome pics! I think im going to go home and take a nap now :sleepy:

shannon1233A March 11th, 2011 12:48 PM

Whoops, sorry, how do I resize?:sorry:

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