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gustavowoltmann December 10th, 2016 12:43 PM

Hello everyone
Hello everyone my name is Gustavo Woltmann and I am an assistant in a small and private publishers office for 10 years. I have a problem with my dog, she is a shih tzu puppy who always eats her poop. How can I stop her from doing that?

lindapalm December 10th, 2016 07:31 PM

I have no good suggestions for you, but I know how frustrating that habit can be to break. Our dog used to only eat the ones in the snow, and we called them poopsicles. It was disgusting, the only thing we found that worked was to constantly watch her when she was outside, and try to pick up the piles as much as possible. Good Luck

Barkingdog December 10th, 2016 09:23 PM

LOL! I called the rabbit poops in the snow poopsicles too! :) Dogs love to eat poop , my dog will taste other dogs urine ! :yuck: Disgusting !

Reg December 11th, 2016 12:07 AM

welcome to the forum.

We had a similar situation last month with a dog supposedly eating cat poo while out and about. There were some good postings on how to train your dog to leave it that would be well worth your while reading. There are also other things to take into consideration - the quality of food and the possibility of lacking nutrients. In one of my postings I mentioned a web site on the subject supplied by Healthy Pets of dogs eating their own poo and it's worth a look at - it might be of help.


Here's the thread from last month that could be of help to you.

Keep us posted on your progress.

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