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Prin September 20th, 2006 10:19 PM

Ok... Food for Boo..
I've narrowed it down to the following:
DVP Natural Balance Sweet potato and fish
Canidae Lamb and Rice
California Natural Herring and Sweet potato

All supplemented with Innova Evo Red meat.

Or just the Red Meat alone, but frankly I'm a little wary of the high protein...

So of course, because this is food for my babies, I might not be seeing things clearly, so I thought I'd ask for opinions.. What would you choose out of the above.
I posted the ingredients to them all here, if you need to refresh: [url][/url]

I'll post a poll, just because I can't later. :D

technodoll September 20th, 2006 10:53 PM

sorry i'm no help... i say all the choices are good, BUT it will also depend on the food's availability & your budget and what if by chance one of your kids doesn't like the food- you know? :o

i'd like to find Evo red meat, maybe i'll ask my petstore to order me a bag since they carry the regular evo... :rolleyes:

rainbow September 21st, 2006 12:19 AM

I would just try the EVO by itself.

Puppyluv September 21st, 2006 06:41 AM

I'm with rainbow. I personally am not concerned about the protein content, I mean, look at Raw, it's pretty darn high protein.

mafiaprincess September 21st, 2006 06:51 AM

My local Global had evo RM when I bought that dirty WK bag the other day.

Scott_B September 21st, 2006 07:07 AM

[QUOTE=Puppyluv]I'm with rainbow. I personally am not concerned about the protein content, I mean, look at Raw, it's pretty darn high protein.[/QUOTE]

actually its not. Most raw meats are in the 20-25% protien range.

These are for lean meats, so fat would be a bit higher.

.................................... Fat (per 100g) Protein (per 100g)
Meat, average, raw ..........1.6............... 22.6=22.6%

Meat, average, raw ..........2.1 ...............22.3

Lean, average, raw ..........4.0 ...............21.8

Lean, average, raw ..........8.3 ...............20.2

Lean, average, raw ..........5.1 ...............22.5

Taken from [url][/url]

Puppyluv September 21st, 2006 07:28 AM

[QUOTE=Scott_B]actually its not. Most raw meats are in the 20-25% protien range.

These are for lean meats, so fat would be a bit higher.

.................................... Fat (per 100g) Protein (per 100g)
Meat, average, raw ..........1.6............... 22.6=22.6%

Meat, average, raw ..........2.1 ...............22.3

Lean, average, raw ..........4.0 ...............21.8

Lean, average, raw ..........8.3 ...............20.2

Lean, average, raw ..........5.1 ...............22.5

Taken from [url][/url][/QUOTE]

According to the Evo website, I would be feeding layla 1 2/3 cups of dry food, which works out to be 0.44 lbs (200 g) . 42% of which is protein=85 grams.
I feed layla about a pound of meat (not including bone) a day. So 1 lb= 454 g. 21% (app) is protein=95 grams. That is not even including bone. So yes. Precentage wise, there is less protein in raw, but in absoute values (which is what matters) there is more.

RaYne September 21st, 2006 08:20 AM

Just passing along some info I was told by someone at California Natural. It's a very RICH food. A super slow switch is a must. It caused 'booty blowout' even on stomach of steel, Lola.

I know you haven't decided on CN.. But I'm just mentioning it because I know you don't want to feed anymore of the Wolfking to Boo. I just found the transition insanely slow (1.5 months). So it would need to be 'mixed' for quite some time. It is a good food though.. so it all comes down to how quick you want to switch.

Onto the poll. ;) I'd say Canidae Lamb mixed with EVO red meat. Gives him a little more variety than just a single protein.

vfrohloff September 21st, 2006 08:38 AM

Not to discourage you from California Natural, but I used to have my cats on it and the pet store stopped carrying it because they said CN was horrible for delaying shipments. Maybe just find out from your store if they've had any shipping problems with CN. Other than that, I would feed the Canidae Lamb and Rice.

Prin September 21st, 2006 08:56 AM

Ok.. Thanks for your input...

The tips on California Natural pretty well sealed the deal because I would have to order it every time. :rolleyes: And I also don't have time for a 2 month switch... Maybe I'll just start on Evo Red Meat for a while first... With the lack of fiber, I might escape the switch with a couple of rolls of paper towel to spare.:D

Techno, I can't get any of these, but I can order any of them. :shrug: That's why TO's not on the list. It seems getting it here means dealing with their customer service and that just ain't happening.

SuperWanda September 21st, 2006 09:01 AM

I think I am in the same boat as you Prin.

I haven't even gotten a reply from Solid Gold and I think I was one of the first to e-mail.

Not happy with the lack of response from Timberwolf Organics either. If you are going to spend so much money on their products they should at least be able to answer a few questions in a reasonable time frame. I know in the past that Orijen, Acana and Petcurean have always been quick to reply and I guess that is what I expect!!! I guess TO are rather new but you'd think they'd have more people for the customer service part!!!

Maybe I should just find a very easy to digest chicken formula for my sensitive dog and get something that doesn't have chicken or lamb for my allergy dog. It's really hard to find something that has the palatability, quality and availability!!!

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:06 AM

TO isn't that new. Last time I was looking for food they existed and that was about 2.5 years ago. :frustrated:

[QUOTE=SuperWanda]Maybe I should just find a very easy to digest chicken formula for my sensitive dog and get something that doesn't have chicken or lamb for my allergy dog. [/QUOTE]
That's what I thought, but if you find something for the hard guy, the other guy can eat it too.:D

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:09 AM

So nobody likes DVP Natural Balance Sweet potato and fish?:o

SuperWanda September 21st, 2006 09:19 AM

I don't mind that one - are you wary that they have the sweet potatoes as the first ingredient before the fish?

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:21 AM

Yeah, but that's the only carb, plus with supplementation with Evo Red meat, it would balance out (only more fishy).

I found a store in Laval that has the Evo Red Meat in stock! Yey! And she can order any of the above for me. Wooo!!!:highfive:

RaYne September 21st, 2006 09:32 AM

Great news! I bet that's a huge relief. :thumbs up

technodoll September 21st, 2006 11:20 AM

hey prin, i stopped at my next-door petstore on the way to work this morning and ordered a big bag of EVO red meat for the beanies... it'll be there next week (they order food twice per month). they better like it, LOL! oh and it's a little more expensive than the poultry EVO, wonder what the end cost will be :eek: Let's compare to see if my store is fair on prices!

I still have a bunch of Nutro Rice & Lamb to get rid of so EVO is the perfect mixer. with all the raw meat they get... i need to add in *some* junk for the fiber besides whole-wheat bagels and creamcheese toasts! LOL :o

whew. what an adventure. Let me know when you feed them their first "new meals"! :highfive:

meb999 September 21st, 2006 04:36 PM

Could you guys post how much you are spending on EVO, because my local store carries it (only the regular, not the red meat) but it's insanely expensive. i know I'll be feeding less...but wow!! That's alot of $$$
It's 78 $ (plus taxe) for a 28 pound bag.

mafiaprincess September 21st, 2006 07:35 PM

I just paid 21.99 plus tax for a 6.6 pound bag of EVO RM. I know that's not what you bought, but it may help you compare.. :shrug:

coppperbelle September 21st, 2006 07:55 PM

Food for Boo
Like you I have been an advocate for Solid Gold, Wolf King for some time now. I cannot tell you how disappointed and guilty I am feeling knowing that I am going to have to change a food they are doing so well on. Tonight I was looking at the different foods and trying to decide what to feed. I am leaning towards DVP Venison and brown rice but I still have some searching to do. I am afraid to use any of the Innova foods. Tonight I read the ingredients of Canidae, Eagle Pack Holistic and a few others. I keep going back to the DVP. I forgot to check California Natural and will check that out.
I went to the Solid Gold site tonight to see if it had been updated and the site was down. Hmmmm, do you think they got the hint?

Good luck in your search and be sure to share it with us. I am running low on food and have to make a decision this weekend.

technodoll September 21st, 2006 08:05 PM

[QUOTE]It's 78 $ (plus taxe) for a 28 pound bag.[/QUOTE]

meb999, the 28.6lbs bag of regular EVO costs $71 at my petstore... plus taxes, it's freaking expensive :eek: man, i can buy so much meat at the butcher's for that, LOL!

in comparion, the same-sized bag cost me US $43 when bought over the border :eek: i may make another trip to get some more... :rolleyes:

coppperbelle September 21st, 2006 08:19 PM

ok food for bbo
[QUOTE=technodoll]meb999, the 28.6lbs bag of regular EVO costs $71 at my petstore... plus taxes, it's freaking expensive :eek: man, i can buy so much meat at the butcher's for that, LOL!

in comparion, the same-sized bag cost me US $43 when bought over the border :eek: i may make another trip to get some more... :rolleyes:[/


I buy my dog food on the other side of the border. I save a huge amount of money.

technodoll September 21st, 2006 08:23 PM

copperbelle, where do you go?

and did you ever have trouble bringing food back over the border?... or do you stay in the states overnight?...

:confused: :)

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:08 PM

Ok, the Evo red meat was $37.99 +tx for a medium bag (6kgs/13.2 lbs). Not too expensive considering you'll be feeding significantly less of it.

The only problem I have with it so far is I can't leave the bag out... I mean, they LOVED the wolf king, but Jemma is protecting the Evo bag with her life, growling at any dog (i.e. Boo) who goes near it, and I keep catching one or the other with their head in the bag (meanwhile the SG bag just sits there untouched and wiiiiide open). It's really, really funny and makes me think I got the right food.

I also ordered DVP sweet potato and fish. I might supplement the evo with it (I thought it would be the other way around) but the DVP is pretty expensive ($69.99 for less than 30lbs).

The Evo kibbles are so tiny! Now when people ask for tiny kibbles, I'll know a food to answer with...:D

I'm still not sure of the switch though... I mean, the SG is basically a cold turkey switch, so do I bother switching them from it? I just don't want to give it to them anymore. :o

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:11 PM

Oh and we discovered (me and the owner of the store) that Nature's Variety removed menadione from their bags for bags expiring June 2007. :) Before that, they have menadione (at the store there was one due April 2007 and it still had menadione on the label).

technodoll September 21st, 2006 09:20 PM

prin, if you do a cold-turkey switch, i'm pretty sure you'll have *some* runny poops but it might not be that bad... no grains often means less belly troubles! maybe mix in some home-cooked rice with the rice water?.. or digestive enzymes at first... ya know, all the ol' tricks in the bag :D

that is soooo funny about jemma "protecting" the new food... yeah, i think it was time for a change, listen to your doggies :angel: i want a video of that! oh please pretty please!

will you return the WK bag now?

maybe we can preach... "a catchy name and a fancy bag do not a good food make... must do your research!" :cool: (sorry but i never liked any of the SG foods... but that's just me :o )

now i can't wait to get our Evo RM! the kibbles are the same size as the Fromm's ones BTW.

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:24 PM

I only liked the bison solid gold formulas. The rest weren't very great.:shrug:

I know I'll get some unhappiness from their colons if I switch them cold turkey, but they are already going through the cold turkey with the *new and disproved* WK, so there's really no stability factor in the switch.:shrug:

technodoll September 21st, 2006 09:26 PM

yeah totally... if they,re gonna have the squirts, it might as well be on the new food eh? but YOU NEVER KNOW! :fingerscr

when do they get their first taste?

Prin September 21st, 2006 09:27 PM

They've already had a cup each in three portions throughout the day. (Hence Jemma guarding the bag).

technodoll September 21st, 2006 09:28 PM

hurrah! now the waiting begins... good luck, guys! :pray:

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