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MarianE February 20th, 2016 11:07 AM

Cat Asthma
So Whisk, my 12 year old tabby short hair formally feral cat has been diagnosed with asthma. The vet gave her a shot of Depa Medrol 20 mg because she was so uncomfortable trying to breath. That did the trick. But I really don't want to give her the shots on a regular basis because of the side effects and risks. So my vet also gave me Chinese herbs to give her sprinkled in her food. Whisk is not impressed. Even when I mix the herbs with her favorite (ground up raw heart and liver), she's pretty sure I'm trying to poison her and won't eat much of it. I'm hoping she'll get used to the taste in a few days. I'd so appreciate any advice or knowledge on how to get the herbs into her. Thanks!

Reg February 21st, 2016 01:41 PM

Hi MarianE:

Something I have used when I am introducing new foods and they aren't too anxious to eat it, is very finely made bacon bits that I make out of bacon - don't use the store bought bacon bits because they normally are TVP vegetable protein and not good for cats. A light sprinkling on the food does wonders.
The 2nd thing I use is Nutritional yeast - bought in a health food store in bulk - and I sprinkle it lightly on the food and it works great too.
Check with your vet's office just in case there might be an issue with this and Chinese herbs. I don't think there should be, but it's best to be safe.
Also ask if there is a chance of using a smaller dose of the herbs and work it up over time.
Hope this might give you some ideas.

MarianE February 22nd, 2016 05:51 AM

What helpful ideas, Reg, thank you! I'll certainly ask the vet about the nutritional yeast. I think that is a great suggestion. I have cut the dose by half and she is accepting that. May-be the bacon bits will get her to take a full dose. Thanks again.

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