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Elizabeth1st July 2nd, 2013 09:03 AM

cat nutrition
I am new to this site (also belong to the Cat Site). This site includes all pets, I think so that a specific species can not be addressed - is that correct?

I have been a pet owner for most of my life - as a child always pets dogs and cats, so with the acquisition of 2 ped'gd cats, I find I now know nothing! My biggest challenge is food. One of the breeders is a confirmed RAW food supporter and does not endorse or like any of the commercial foods.

I have read the very informed article by Dr Lisa Pierson ([url][/url]) on cat nutrition and it has left me very confused about a satisfactory selection. More protein, fat and the least carbs. Dry food is considered terrible.

What are the opinions on this site. I welcomed your input.

sugarcatmom July 2nd, 2013 10:09 AM

Hi Elizabeth1st, and welcome to!

All sorts of furry and non-furry animal species are perfectly acceptable topics of conversation here. Cat nutrition is frequently discussed, and I tend to be in the same camp as Dr. Pierson (along with a growing number of other vets). Wet food is preferable to dry, and if you can do a balanced raw diet, even better. Here are some more links for you to check out if you're interested.


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