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hazelrunpack January 12th, 2019 08:22 PM

Introducing Blue Lili
2 Attachment(s)
She arrived this afternoon and the house is, of course, in an uproar.

Brier salivates and shakes his head violently every time he sniffs her, but we always knew we'd have to watch him closely. Once she grows up a little, he'll like her fine. (He's partial to the ladies :D) We just have to keep him from getting reactive in the meanwhile... :eek:

Lili loves Grace, but Grace isn't so sure about Lili. Grace will come around, though. She's a motherly little soul.

Lili and JD are already fast friends. He said hello by taking her down just like a lion would take down a gazelle, but without the breaking bones and blood; she jumped up and barked in his face, then leapt at him... They chased and tussled and then she stole the cat's wand toy. JD was horrified, so he attacked the little Christmas elf she traveled with. :laughing: So far, Lili has yelped once, but shook it off and JD pulled his punches after that. I have a few pics, but no time to edit them (they're in RAW format, so unviewable till I translate them into .jpg format). I'll add them as I get them done. Till then, you'll have to live with just the two shots. :p

Lili loves Grace, JD, her new dad and mom, leaves in the yard, and Cass's old basketball. And the little stinker has already learned how to crawl under the gates in the yard....sigh....

Oh, and she's fast...very fast...

Dee-O-Gee January 12th, 2019 08:58 PM

O-M-G!! I’m in love! She’s adorable Hazel! :cloud9::lovestruck: How was she with the traveling?

Barkingdog January 12th, 2019 09:04 PM

She is adorable ! :lovestruck: I can't wait to see more photos when you post them

Reg January 12th, 2019 09:22 PM

hello Hazel:

What a fantastic addition to the family........she's a really good looking little girl.


Glad JD is getting along with her. Sounds like a little bit of time and everyone will be on the same wave length.

We were wondering how old she is? :lovestruck:

Will be watching for the photos when you have them ready.

hazelrunpack January 12th, 2019 11:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks for all the kind comments. Of course, we think she's pretty special, so she deserves good comments. LOL

[QUOTE=Dee-O-Gee;1079634] How was she with the traveling?[/QUOTE]

Not a peep out of her all the way home. :D


We were wondering how old she is? :lovestruck:

Just over 8 weeks.

Had just enough time to do two more pics tonight while I was doing backups.

Lili just idolizes Grace. Whenever they go out together, Lili follows Grace the whole time with a look of adoration on her face. If Grace stops, Lili immediately play bows to her. So far, though, Grace hasn't taken her up on the offer.


If we go outside without Grace, Lili spends most of the time zoomin':


growler~GateKeeper January 13th, 2019 01:02 AM

Blue Lili is super cute! :lovestruck: She looks so big for 8 weeks :lovestruck: Love that last pic like she's coming right through the screen :cloud9:

growler~GateKeeper January 13th, 2019 01:11 AM

I'm sure it won't take long for Blue Lili to win over both Brier & Grace like she has JD :lovestruck: JD must be ecstatic to have a play buddy closer to his size.

Longblades January 13th, 2019 09:03 AM

Oh my, what a little sweetie-pie. I'm so glad to hear JD is her first friend. :) How are you saying her name? Is it Leelee? Or like the flower?

Barkingdog January 13th, 2019 02:23 PM

Lili is telling Grace I want to just like you when I grow up !:cloud9:

hazelrunpack January 13th, 2019 05:08 PM

[QUOTE=growler~GateKeeper;1079639] She looks so big for 8 weeks :lovestruck: [/QUOTE]

I'm not sure even how much she weighs (we don't introduce her to the vet until tomorrow) but I know she weighs a whole lot more than JD but is really only about as tall in the back as he is. JD weighs right around 7 pounds and I suspect Lili is 12 or 13, at least.

[QUOTE=growler~GateKeeper;1079640]I'm sure it won't take long for Blue Lili to win over both Brier & Grace like she has JD :lovestruck: JD must be ecstatic to have a play buddy closer to his size.[/QUOTE]

I hope so. Brier only salivates excessively when he sniffs her pee outside and he isn't shaking his head each time he smells her, so he's no longer slinging spittle up to the ceiling. :eek: He's still 'iffy', though. I suspect when she's about 6 months old and definitely becoming a lady, he'll come around. :rolleyes:

Grace is getting tired of being followed in the yard. :laughing: But she'll come around, too. Much faster than Brier I think.

I took them on a short joint walk off-leash in the woods today, so they got a respite from non-stop Lili this morning. Then later, they got a special ride with dad and Grandma while JD and Lili galavanted around the house, beatin' up on each other! :laughing: JD looks like he's had enough sometimes, but he doesn't run away or hide. He just stops and looks at her as if mapping out some revenge or other. When he starts having to bop her on the head to fend her off, I usually pick him up to spare him any more harrassment. :D

[QUOTE=Longblades;1079641]How are you saying her name? Is it Leelee? Or like the flower?[/QUOTE]

Like the flower. She was going to be Blue Lily, but her dam's name is Tibi (pronounced Tibby), so we switched the spelling to honor her mom. :D growler~Gatekeeper has a cat named Lilly, so now it'll be a little easier to tell which one we're talking about! :p

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1079642]Lili is telling Grace I want to just like you when I grow up !:cloud9:[/QUOTE]

You bet! We have a two-step deck out the back door. Lili learned quickly how to come up the steps, but when she saw Grace ignore the steps and leap up from the side, she was determined to do it Grace's way. She worked and worked and worked, with her little front paws on the deck, bouncing up and down on her hind feet, till she finally hooked a rear paw on the edge of the deck and levered herself up. Now, it's the only way she'll come up--it's the 'big girl' way! :laughing:

hazelrunpack January 13th, 2019 10:42 PM

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What a hoot! Lily came up to play with JD this evening and she was utterly relentless. After he got backed into a corner and mom came to his rescue a couple of times, he realized he'd have to reveal the Truth About Cats immediately, before Lili gets too big to handle. She already outweighs him 2:1, so time was of the essence.

He body-blocked her, got her on the run and pulled her down from behind, rolled her on her back and pinned her there. He'd only let her up when she made a little sound of complaint, then stood back to assess the affect of his lessons. (He never got her hard enough to make her yelp, so he's worked out exactly how much force he can use without hurting her). She went back for more about three times, and then I forced her to go outside for a bit to give JD a break from his labors. When we came back in, she was [I]much[/I] more respectful and they were very companionable! All accomplished with no blood, no broken bones and a minimum of sound. Good job, JD! :highfive:

I managed to snap a pic during one of the take-downs. The look on her face says it all! :laughing:


Barkingdog January 13th, 2019 11:00 PM

OMG ! That is so funny ! JD had her in lockdown . Great photo hazel

hazelrunpack January 13th, 2019 11:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I couldn't resist this shot, either.

Lili: "I love you, Grace! You're my hero!" Grace: "meh"


hazelrunpack January 13th, 2019 11:05 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1079646]OMG ! That is so funny ! JD had her in lockdown . Great photo hazel[/QUOTE]

It was just like a TV WWE wrestling match! :laughing:

Oh, and as I was looking through a cabinet today, I found the old bicycle gloves I used to protect my hands when Ember and Cole were pups, lo those many years ago! Excellent, since I'd forgotten to get a new pair for Lili's arrival. :thumbs up

Reg January 13th, 2019 11:34 PM

Hazel your pictures are just great.........the expressions on their faces are gems. Glad to hear JD is getting along so well with Lili. He seems to be a real "dog cat". Made himself known when he picked your house for his domain.
And now he has another doggie friend. :D :laughing:

growler~GateKeeper January 14th, 2019 12:34 AM

[QUOTE=Longblades;1079641]How are you saying her name? Is it Leelee? Or like the flower?[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that LongBlades my :cat: Lilly is like the flower but most of the time I call her LeeLee :D she doesn't seem to care either way :laughing:

[QUOTE=hazelrunpack;1079643]We have a two-step deck out the back door. Lili learned quickly how to come up the steps, but when she saw Grace ignore the steps and leap up from the side, she was determined to do it Grace's way. She worked and worked and worked, with her little front paws on the deck, bouncing up and down on her hind feet, till she finally hooked a rear paw on the edge of the deck and levered herself up. Now, it's the only way she'll come up--it's the 'big girl' way! :laughing:[/QUOTE]

I can just picture it :lovestruck: super cute :lovestruck:

[QUOTE=hazelrunpack;1079645]When we came back in, she was [I]much[/I] more respectful and they were very companionable! All accomplished with no blood, no broken bones and a minimum of sound. Good job, JD! :highfive:[/QUOTE]

Good job JD & Blue Lili! :highfive:

marko January 14th, 2019 08:00 AM

so cute and beautiful hazel - congrats!! :highfive:
Fun shots too

Barkingdog January 14th, 2019 02:21 PM

Yeah hazel takes great photos and should made a book to sell !

hazelrunpack January 14th, 2019 06:09 PM

I'm. So. Tired. Can barely keep my eyes open and didn't even take any pics today!

Thank you all for the kind comments. She's perfect, and it's not just us. She checked out perfect at the vet today, too. :D

Came home to glazing on the ground and the decks...makes it just that much harder to catch the little dickens when she's acting up in the yard! :eek: :laughing: I'm hoping between the vet trip and the playing that she'll sleep through the night. :fingerscr

Dee-O-Gee January 14th, 2019 06:22 PM

Thank you Hazel for posting pictures and updates. The have been fun to watch and read. :cloud9::laughing:

Barkingdog January 14th, 2019 08:12 PM

I hope you can get a good night sleep tonight hazel. It too bad some warm milk wouldn't help Lili sleep better . hope I spelled her name right

hazelrunpack January 14th, 2019 09:43 PM

Man, she's a bold one! Or maybe she just has a short memory. JD had to take her down again tonight, but I noticed that he's not letting her up right away, anymore. I think she's annoying him a bit with her intransigence. She is Mighty Lili and she bows to no man...or dog...or cat... :p

We have kennels set up in strategic positions around the house that we can lock the puppy into when everyone needs a break. JD ran into the one in the family room during a chase and Lili ran into the door, closing it. So JD was inside while Lili was having a tantrum outside because she couldn't get to the cat. JD looked quite smug. :laughing:

Yep, Barkingdog, it's spelled Lili but pronounced like Lily. And I fervently hope she sleeps well tonight, too! :pray:

hazelrunpack January 15th, 2019 06:35 PM

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She did sleep better last night, so we did, too :D

Had some time to edit a few more pics, so here's a few new ones.

A family shot...sort of. Notice Lili watching her new sister and brother:

Lili checking how delicious JD's crinkle tunnel tastes:

JD having a conversation with Lili about chewing on his crinkle tunnel :laughing: :

hazelrunpack January 15th, 2019 06:40 PM

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Lili spends her days playing with JD, staring longingly at the big dogs, playing with Mr Snake (her favorite toy)...




hazelrunpack January 15th, 2019 06:43 PM

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...playing hide-and-seek in the yard...

...and helping out with the yard work by trimming sucker shoots from the river birch.

All this activity makes for a tired Lili, so of course, a nap is in order:

Dee-O-Gee January 15th, 2019 08:35 PM

She is an absolute doll Hazel. :cloud9: Please keep them pictures coming. :thumbs up Hopefully Brier will come around but only a cat can put a puppy in it's place. Our Bella was the same when we brought Mollie home. One swat on the nose and that was it. :D

hazelrunpack January 15th, 2019 09:31 PM

I think JD's more interested in getting her to play than really putting her in her place. But she [I]needs[/I] to be put in her place now and then, so he cheerfully obliges. :laughing: She's very like Sheriff Cole--she's not easily deterred once she puts her mind to something. She has a lot of the same genes. :D

Barkingdog January 15th, 2019 09:42 PM

I love looking at your beautiful photos hazel and beautiful furry family ! :cloud9: Lilies seems to settling in very nicely.

Reg January 15th, 2019 11:31 PM

Hazel.......where is all your snow????? Your yard doesn't have any in it, just grass. Would you like some of ours?? :shrug: :laughing:

Really love the photos. Kind of nice to see Lili settling in for a snooze on pops chest.

I think JD came awfully close to giving Lili a slap when you look at the photo of him having his conversation with her........his ears turned back and his tail taking on a fluffy texture. Lili came within a whisker of a paw print or 2 on the nose. :pawprint: :pawprint:

hazelrunpack January 19th, 2019 12:03 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1079674]Lilies seems to settling in very nicely.[/QUOTE]

She is. She seems pretty happy and is getting used to our routine. She's such a cutie!

[QUOTE=Reg;1079675]Hazel.......where is all your snow????? Your yard doesn't have any in it, just grass. Would you like some of ours?? :shrug: :laughing:[/QUOTE]

Yes! Please!!!! :laughing: We have ice and absolutely no traction in much of the side yard, where Lili plays. Even Lili is having trouble. Half the time she just drops one shoulder to the ice and scoots across by kicking her hind feet! LOL

[QUOTE=Reg;1079675]I think JD came awfully close to giving Lili a slap when you look at the photo of him having his conversation with her........his ears turned back and his tail taking on a fluffy texture. Lili came within a whisker of a paw print or 2 on the nose. :pawprint: :pawprint:[/QUOTE]

He did slap her. Multiple times. :laugh: He's a good soul, though, and he really doesn't want to hurt her, so he pulls his punches. As a result, his punches aren't very effective. So then he moves to the take down maneuver, which has better results! :thumbs up :D

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