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Rgeurts May 22nd, 2012 12:51 PM

My boys are SO bad :(
Ok, this is stressing me out SO bad. We had a few issues over the weekend. As most of you know, Nookie has Pica... but we haven't had any issues with him eating things in over a year... until recently. On Saturday eve he threw up part of a leash (his blue "security blankie" leash). I noticed it was worn and cut the ragged piece off last week, but didn't throw it away because he just LOVES it. I noticed on Friday night it was looking pretty bad again and didn't want to take any chances with it, so I threw it away. But apparently, not soon enough as he threw up a piece about 6-7 inches long, as well as a clear, red piece of plastic :eek: :eek:
We have NO clue where the plastic came from. We searched the house and yard and have nothing like it anywhere at home. Which brings me to the really stressful situation... our Apple tv remote is missing :eek: :yell:

Montana had it on Friday, so I took it away from him and put it up. It's now MIA. We have turned the entire house upside down looking for it... no luck. Montana could have eaten it. He did have it on Friday and actually ate the toe off one of my shoes. But I'm thinking the more likely culprit is Nookie. It's a fairly small remote (about 5 inches long, an inch and a half wide and maybe half an inch thick) and made of metal, so he's swallowed much bigger things in the past. The remote itself doesn't scare me, but the battery inside does. Please think of our boys today as we head to the vet this afternoon for x-rays. I'm praying it wasn't Nookie as putting him under could relapse the meningo or worse. I just needed to vent (and share my stress! :p).

pbpatti May 22nd, 2012 01:03 PM

I am sending prayers from my place to yours MF. I know how difficult this is for you but put positive thoughts in your mind looking for a great outcome. :pray::grouphug:

Dog Dancer May 22nd, 2012 02:32 PM

Robyn, the remote is under the cushions, the remote is under the cushions, say it with me! Seriously I sure hope Nookie and Montana are okay and nobody has eaten it. This must be so stressful to you, like Nookie doesn't have enough issues to deal with already.

You know, if you are in cahoots with my friend in Ontario in trying to talk me out of getting a malamute puppy, you're doing a good job! :D I read these horror stories here and can't help but be terrified! I know I can deal with puppy stuff, but DH is a whole other story. He will not be amused if puppy eats his leather cowboy boots - or God forbid the remote!!!

Looking forward to your update. :fingerscr

Rgeurts May 22nd, 2012 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=Dog Dancer;1040363]Robyn, the remote is under the cushions, the remote is under the cushions, say it with me! Seriously I sure hope Nookie and Montana are okay and nobody has eaten it. This must be so stressful to you, like Nookie doesn't have enough issues to deal with already.

You know, if you are in cahoots with my friend in Ontario in trying to talk me out of getting a malamute puppy, you're doing a good job! :D I read these horror stories here and can't help but be terrified! I know I can deal with puppy stuff, but DH is a whole other story. He will not be amused if puppy eats his leather cowboy boots - or God forbid the remote!!!

Looking forward to your update. :fingerscr[/QUOTE]

No remote in either tummy... Yay!!! So now, to find the remote! Nookie does have A LOT of gas in his tummy though. They think it's probably from the antibiotic. So all is well!!

DD, it's not the Mal in him, it's the many issues he has lol (the Pica mainly). It's just from bad breeding :)

If you get a pup from someone who breeds for health and knows their stuff, you should be fine (though any puppy is capable of eating the leather boots! :laughing:)

Kasianni May 22nd, 2012 08:51 PM

That sure must have been scary!!! :eek: Glad both are okay and no remote in tummy.

Dog Dancer May 22nd, 2012 09:27 PM

I'm tellin' ya Robyn "The remote is under the cushions!" So glad to hear there's no remote inside of either pup. Now I'm giggling, but it was no giggle matter earlier.

I know it's not the mal in Nookie that makes him eat stuff. I'm just kidding with you. My shot at trying to lighten the mood. Although I'm terrified about getting a puppy! Any puppy. As soon as we have confirmation of getting one of these pups we will be getting a crate!

I am so glad that Nookie is okay though, Montana too of course. Hugs to you my friend. It seems the worries never end for you.

hazelrunpack May 22nd, 2012 09:48 PM

I've been doing that all the time lately--put something up high to keep it out of Brier's mouth and then can't find it again for months!!! :frustrated: I can definitely relate... I hope your remote turns up soon! Glad the boys are okay!!!

Sylvie May 23rd, 2012 12:09 AM

I am so glad that they didn't eat the remote. Have you found it yet?

Goldfields May 23rd, 2012 12:51 AM

I would have laughed except that in the Pathology waiting room yesterday I read an article about a little boy who nearly died after swallowing a battery. Our dogs are equally at risk and I have fingers crossed that one of yours hasn't buried the remote somewhere, to be eaten later. Our first cattle dog stole a box of cornflour I'd taken outside to use in treating a horse with diarrhoea, I finally found it buried flat up against the dog's kennel. Sneaky heeler! LOL.

Dog Dancer May 23rd, 2012 10:28 AM

Did you check under your pillows in the bed for the remote? Shadow used to hide her best stuff in our bed. The dogs weren't allowed on the bed so I think she figured it was safe there. One day she stuffed a cookie under Aurelio! But she did hide a muddy bone under my pillow! :yuck:

Barkingdog May 23rd, 2012 11:24 AM

[QUOTE=Goldfields;1040390]I would have laughed except that in the Pathology waiting room yesterday I read an article about a little boy who nearly died after swallowing a battery. Our dogs are equally at risk and I have fingers crossed that one of yours hasn't buried the remote somewhere, to be eaten later. Our first cattle dog stole a box of cornflour I'd taken outside to use in treating a horse with diarrhoea, I finally found it buried flat up against the dog's kennel. Sneaky heeler! LOL.[/QUOTE]

I should be real careful about where I leave my hearing aid. Dogs loves to eat them! I left it on the coffee table and took a nap . When I woke up my HA was gone! I thought my hearing dog ate my hearing aid. My dog did have it, he picked it up and put in on his blanket to watch it for me. The battery had mercury it so I was really worried at first.
I am glad the OP glad did not eat the remote . May new dog Marty will eat his bedding I put in his kennel so I can't put any thing on the floor to make it more comfortable for my dog.

Rgeurts May 23rd, 2012 10:10 PM

Thanks all, so much! You are all just wonderful people :grouphug:

Hazel, I'm hoping that's what I did, and it very well could be! They have had me stressed to the limit lately lol. With Nookies recurrent bladder infection and tummy troubles, thinking Montana broke his leg on Saturday (just a sprain! :clap:), Montana pooping part of my shoe, Nookie puking up part of a leash and some plastic :eek: :yuck:, and then the missing remote.... :yell: :needhug:
My mind has been a mess :laughing:

GF, I was ok until yesterday morning. I had called the on-call vet at our clinic on Saturday eve, told her what happened and she giggled and said "your boys are a lot of work, aren't they?", then said she wasn't too concerned unless they continue throwing up or get constipated. So I relaxed. But when I called Dr. Marsdens office yesterday (they were closed Monday for the holiday), they freaked! They said if I couldn't get him in to Spruce Grove, to take him to the emerg and have xrays for both asap. They said the type of battery it was is very concerning. Apparently, if it were to come out of the remote it would liquify any tissue it comes in to contact with in 2-3 hours and there's no reversing it. So of course, I panicked! I'm still not totally convinced Nookie didn't eat it. And until I find it, I won't relax :o

DD, thank you. I can use some light moments :laughing:
I was NOT wanting a puppy either... EVER again lol. But Montana has made us laugh so much. It has been worth all the rotten puppy moments! :cloud9:

Rgeurts May 23rd, 2012 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1040406]I should be real careful about where I leave my hearing aid. Dogs loves to eat them! I left it on the coffee table and took a nap . When I woke up my HA was gone! I thought my hearing dog ate my hearing aid. My dog did have it, he picked it up and put in on his blanket to watch it for me. The battery had mercury it so I was really worried at first.
I am glad the OP glad did not eat the remote . May new dog Marty will eat his bedding I put in his kennel so I can't put any thing on the floor to make it more comfortable for my dog.[/QUOTE]

My Nookie eats anything and everything, literally lol. He has Pica, but hasn't had any issues for more than a year now, until recently. He once ate an entire rope toy... the kind with big knots and tassels at each end, then pooped it out whole :eek: :eek:
He pooped a sock the next day, then 2 more the following day! He's eaten and pooped out toys (which he isn't allowed to have anything he can swallow anymore). But again, he hasn't done it in over a year :shrug:
I'm going to have to Nookie-proof my house again.

Dog Dancer May 24th, 2012 10:22 AM

Robyn when you find the remote (and you will find the remote, it's under the cushions...:D) you need to put a GPS tracker on it. I would think you can relax, if they didn't see it in the xray it's almost certainly not inside Nookie.

Did you check right down the side of the chair cushions and stuff?? I find the strangest things down Aurelio's chair sides (wear gloves....:yuck:)

hazelrunpack May 24th, 2012 10:25 AM

:laughing: Funny you should mention gloves, DD...I learned to always have a pair of rubber (not latex cuz they tear too easily) gloves on hand for just such a search! Although I'm not usually looking for remotes.... :o

Goldfields May 24th, 2012 11:25 AM

Robyn, it was a lithium battery this poor little child ate and it darn near killed him. Whoever they took him to in the first place did not do anything about it, when apparently they MUST be removed within two hours. Maybe your vet was talking about the same thing? Good thing I have a fuzzy memory and the magazine the article is in is way over in the pathology Dept. 30 miles away, I can't give you details as to what they did to save the little boy. That'd only worry you more. Nookie must be so hard to live with, wanting to eat everything. Fingers crossed for both of them.

Goldfields May 24th, 2012 11:34 AM

Barkingdog, I had a cattle dog that used to make confetti of the blankets I gave her and one day my brother solved the problem for me. He said he beds his bull terriers on newspapers, shredded newspapers. So, for each kennel here(when my dogs were out in the yards) we would tear newspapers into strips, then shake them out into huge piles, bag them up to take out to the yards. 20 to 24 papers per kennel. They ended up with a really thick bed that they could snuggle down into, and I mean nearly disappear into. When they flattened it I would just shake it out in the kennel again for them. It does mean having a board at the bottom to keep the papers in. The dogs LOVE it! When it starts to look tatty, you just burn it and start again. I had one cattle dog that used to sleep on his kennel roof but that stopped the minute he got his shredded papers. :)

Rgeurts May 24th, 2012 11:43 AM

Thank you, GF :)
And yes, it's a lithium "coin" battery. And that's what they said as well, it has to be removed within 2-3 hours or it's too late. So, of course, I panicked lol.

DD and Hazel, it's not in the cushions. I thought maybe it had fallen into the couch itself, so Shaun and I flipped it over, but no luck. I'm off tomorrow, so I'm going to literally turn the house inside out :D
I'm really hoping and :pray:'ing I'll find it. I'm also going to scour the back yard.

Rgeurts May 24th, 2012 11:47 AM

[QUOTE=Goldfields;1040481] So, for each kennel here(when my dogs were out in the yards) we would tear newspapers into strips, then shake them out into huge piles, bag them up to take out to the yards. 20 to 24 papers per kennel. They ended up with a really thick bed that they could snuggle down into, and I mean nearly disappear into. [/QUOTE]

IF I could kennel Nookie, I would think that was an excellent idea (he ate the down out of the comforter in his kennel, before we realized he couldn't be kenneled due to stress/seizures), except that Nookie would probably eat the paper! He pooped a paper towel about 3 weeks ago.

We really need to figure out why the Pica has returned. I'm thinking the EPI is acting up again, it's really the only thing I can think of, so might have to up his Pancrease-V.

Goldfields May 24th, 2012 11:52 AM

That's the sort the boy swallowed. Hell! Wish we were neighbors because I'd help you search. It would have shown up in the x ray , that's one good thing. Would he have had time to send it through his digestive system? The little boy removed the battery from something his father owned, so if it stayed in the remote and went through like that .... but then you'd have found it when he did his jobs. Let's hope he just took it out to play with and left it somewhere instead of eating it. You didn't say though, was the piece of plastic you found the same colour as the remote?

Goldfields May 24th, 2012 11:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I can understand special boys like Nookie need to be where you can watch their every move, for seizures I mean, but for ordinary dogs :D the paper works a treat. Here is my late mum's chocolate cattle dog enjoying the softness.

Barkingdog May 24th, 2012 12:13 PM

[QUOTE=Rgeurts;1040435]My Nookie eats anything and everything, literally lol. He has Pica, but hasn't had any issues for more than a year now, until recently. He once ate an entire rope toy... the kind with big knots and tassels at each end, then pooped it out whole :eek: :eek:
He pooped a sock the next day, then 2 more the following day! He's eaten and pooped out toys (which he isn't allowed to have anything he can swallow anymore). But again, he hasn't done it in over a year :shrug:
I'm going to have to Nookie-proof my house again.[/QUOTE]

I brought Marty a rope toy and he started to eat it, I have to keep an eye on Marty when he plays with his toys. Marty chewed a hole in 3 dish towels , I caught him in the act one time and gave him some hydrogen peroxide to made him vomit up the piece of towel. I called the vet when Marty ate the other towels and I was told to keep an eye on him to see if he start to vomit or has trouble pooping. Marty loves to chew so I got him a small beef bone and he did not want it! What an odd little dog! I was buying him chicken jerky but when I read it was made in China I stopped buy it. What you do let your dog chew on? I need to find something safe for a small dog.

Barkingdog May 24th, 2012 12:23 PM

[QUOTE=Goldfields;1040481]Barkingdog, I had a cattle dog that used to make confetti of the blankets I gave her and one day my brother solved the problem for me. He said he beds his bull terriers on newspapers, shredded newspapers. So, for each kennel here(when my dogs were out in the yards) we would tear newspapers into strips, then shake them out into huge piles, bag them up to take out to the yards. 20 to 24 papers per kennel. They ended up with a really thick bed that they could snuggle down into, and I mean nearly disappear into. When they flattened it I would just shake it out in the kennel again for them. It does mean having a board at the bottom to keep the papers in. The dogs LOVE it! When it starts to look tatty, you just burn it and start again. I had one cattle dog that used to sleep on his kennel roof but that stopped the minute he got his shredded papers. :)[/QUOTE]

I could try that. I have my crate in my living room. It was for my Standard Poodle so Marty has plenty of room to move around in the crate. Does your try to ever eat the paper? I will have start saving my news papers, I do not buy the daily news I get a free one once a week . Maybe I will asked my neighbors if I could have their news papers Thanks for the idea!

Barkingdog May 24th, 2012 12:35 PM

[QUOTE=Rgeurts;1040484]IF I could kennel Nookie, I would think that was an excellent idea (he ate the down out of the comforter in his kennel, before we realized he couldn't be kenneled due to stress/seizures), except that Nookie would probably eat the paper! He pooped a paper towel about 3 weeks ago.

We really need to figure out why the Pica has returned. I'm thinking the EPI is acting up again, it's really the only thing I can think of, so might have to up his Pancrease-V.[/QUOTE]

I was going to take a trip to Mexico and needed to board my Standard Poodle who was my hearing dog. I found this real neat kennel where a person stays with the dogs at night. I had to leave for a few hours my dog to see how he would do for week. When I came back to pick up my dog the owner told that my dog spend the whole 3 hours jumping up and down on his hind legs at the gate door and never played with the other dogs. I was told if I left my dog for a week he might die of a heart attack or end up having to go to vet office the whole time. I never got to Mexico, there was no way I was going to put my dog through a week of hell. I only wish I could remember the name of that kennel , Marty would love it!

Goldfields May 25th, 2012 08:23 AM

Barkingdog, I always used papers I got direct from our Newsagent. With papers that weren't sold they had to cut the banner off the front and return it, then they could get rid of the unsold papers anyway they liked. So, we'd get a lot of big bundles, virtually sterile as no-one had read them. Never paid a cent for them. And no, none of my dogs ate paper. What colour is your Poodle? If it was white, well, when trying to keep 'the whites' clean on my shelties prior to a show(bib, collar, legs) I would use paper from big rolls of plain paper purchased cheaply at the local Newspaper, the ends of rolls they used for printing the papers. Didn't want any grey ink stains on the dogs after their whites being washed twice. :D I still have a few rolls here, may use them for covering new garden beds(to kill off weeds before mulching them.

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