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marko July 2nd, 2007 11:52 AM

Interview #2 with Dr. Lee -Pls. comment - Senility and dementia
Dear members and guests,

WOW - this is our 20th podcast! :cool:
I'd love to get more suggestions from members on topics that we might consider covering in the future podcasts.

Pet podcast #20 features another interview with super friendly Dr. Lee.

In this episode we discuss senility and dementia in cats and dogs. Since many of us have older pets, or to prepare for when they do get older (gosh time flies) this podcast is definitely worth a listen.

The podcast can be downloaded or listened to almost immediately by clicking the triangle in the embedded player straight from the blog. [url][/url]

As always comments are appreciated!

Thanks so much!


luckypenny July 2nd, 2007 10:36 PM

Wow, great job Marko and Dr. Lee :highfive: . This is the first podcast I've heard and am looking forward to more as well as catching up on all those I've missed.

I wish I would have known about CDS when we adopted our 14 year old dog several years ago (:rip: Peanut) and had been made aware of treatment possibilities. I was thrilled to hear Dr. Lee's comments on [I]both[/I] traditional and holistic treatments and the many options available to pet owners to help their aging furbabies.

To all you members out there, this podcast is definitely worth listening to, even for those of you with young healthy pets. Time does indeed go by, faster than we'd want. Being armed with this info will help to decide on the best treatment options available to our pets in order to provide them with the most comfortable and happy golden years possible.

Once again, a wonderful job on this podcast :) .

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