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amit January 27th, 2015 08:38 PM

nose bleed St Bernard
I also have a 8 year old St Bernard. It bleeds through one spot between nostrils. It appears every two to three months. Once it starts it continues sporadically for two to three days. We recently got him checked for tick fever which came negative. The blood comes out as shower from one needle tip size whole. His platelet count came very low in the last blood test 38000. Please help

MaxaLisa January 28th, 2015 02:28 AM

Can you tell us exactly what tick disease was tested for? And what type of test was used - titers/antibodies, PCR, etc?

The low platelets are highly suspicious for various tick diseases, and as a precaution, I would treat aggressively with doxycycline. However, some areas have a problem with babesia, which will not respond to doxycycline, so it's important to know what was tested for. There are also new tick diseases being found, so it's important to treat the dog, even if the test comes back negative. The problem is making sure you can find the right treatment.....

For babesia, it's said that Artemisinin can help, but I think you need the proper drug therapy if you are seeing low dosages.

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