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rjesak June 3rd, 2010 12:24 PM

Homemade recipe for different situations?
I would very much like to start adding at least some homemade food into my cats diets. I've found some recipes, but I'd like to find one recipe that will serve all my cats without exacerbating any of their issues.

Here's what I've got:
Zander - overweight but has been losing since I put him on an all wet food diet.
Oscar - low immunity because of his advanced asthma. My holistic vet says that I should not give him raw food because of this.
Jessie - recently diagnosed as diabetic.
Gus - chronic urinary tract infections. He gets a new one every few months. He's improved since switching to wet food but he still gets them fairly often. He also gets upper respiratory infections - probably two or three a year. He had one when I got him (at about a year old) and the vet said he probably would continue to get them - he has. Don't know if his diet plays a part in this.

So, is there a basic poultry-based recipe that I could give ALL the cats?
I know there's the stuff from feline future - would that be good for all of them?
Is there a simple recipe I could make without the feline future stuff?

sugarcatmom June 3rd, 2010 01:18 PM

For sure all your kitties can eat the same raw diet (yes, even Oscar). Here are some links for you to check out:

Jessie - recently diagnosed as diabetic.[/quote]

Does this mean you've adopted your mom's cat?

rjesak June 6th, 2010 08:21 AM

Well, mom lives here but her two cats (Jessie and Cole) stay in her room. We had intended on integrating them but she never really got that far. I figure though, that if I'm making raw food, it ought to feed ALL the cats. This is saying something because there are 11 of them living here now. :eek:

I have my six. My mother has her two (like I said, not integrated), and my friend lost her house and moved in earlier this year with her three. Hers integrated fairly easily. The biggest problem is that she insists on feeding them kibble so she can only put food down for them when her door is closed - I don't want my cats eating it and they will if they can get to it.

Her cats enjoy the canned food I put down as well though so I figure that if I'm feeding raw, they can reap as much benefit from that as they can.

Fortunately, my cats are too afraid of the dogs to get too close to the room they stay in - whenever they go in there, they eat the dog food. Oscar thinks he's died and gone to heaven when he sneaks in. It's only when the dogs are outside that this is a problem though.

Love4himies June 6th, 2010 09:18 AM

I use the recipe in

[url][/url] (halfway down the page)

[QUOTE=rjesak;924263]I would very much like to start adding at least some homemade food into my cats diets. I've found some recipes, but I'd like to find one recipe that will serve all my cats without exacerbating any of their issues.

Here's what I've got:
Zander - overweight but has been losing since I put him on an all wet food diet.

[COLOR="Red"]This recipe has worked very well on Jasper who was a few pounds overweight before he started on the canned (NV Instinct) and homemade raw. He has now stabalized his weight to a perfect 12 lbs[/COLOR]

Oscar - low immunity because of his advanced asthma. My holistic vet says that I should not give him raw food because of this.
[COLOR="red"]wow, a raw meat diet is exactly what your cat should be eating :rolleyes:, it is a perfect diet without additives for your cat's nutrional needs. Add extra raw egg yolks they are very high in B vitamins for the immune system[/COLOR]

Jessie - recently diagnosed as diabetic.
[COLOR="red"]I am thinking a high meat protein, low carb properties of a raw diet would be good for a diabetic kitty :shrug:[/COLOR]

Gus - chronic urinary tract infections. He gets a new one every few months. He's improved since switching to wet food but he still gets them fairly often. He also gets upper respiratory infections - probably two or three a year. He had one when I got him (at about a year old) and the vet said he probably would continue to get them - he has. Don't know if his diet plays a part in this.
[COLOR="red"]Once again extra egg yolks for B vitamins. I don't add water when I make the cat food, I heat up some water in the microwave before serving, add the raw and it warms up the food and give a bit extra fluids, works great to get the kidneys flushed :thumbs up[/COLOR]
So, is there a basic poultry-based recipe that I could give ALL the cats?
I know there's the stuff from feline future - would that be good for all of them?
Is there a simple recipe I could make without the feline future stuff?[/QUOTE]

Here is some nutritional info on cats


rjesak June 7th, 2010 01:36 PM

Tried my first recipe this weekend. Oscar really enjoyed it when he was up on the counter stealing it while I made it. Once I put it on the plates, he realized it was cat food and not people food and got a lot less excited! :rolleyes::laughing:

I added some of the Wellness pouches (which make the cats think they've died and gone to heaven) and they lapped it up. I'm not to a point where I'm efficient enough to do it every day yet but I think I'll be able to work up to it (I hope).

Thanks much!!!

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