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sssullivan January 19th, 2014 01:08 AM

Desperate for answers.. Please help!
Hi, this is my first post here and I'm desperate for some help. I have a 6 year old Maltese who has suddenly changed. She is excessively eating and drinking water, sulking around the house, having potty accidents in front of us after going outside, and has gained weight rapidly. Our family vet said that she's sad because of weather and trying to satisfy hunger pains. I can't take that as an answer. The tests showed Negative for diabetes, and Cushings disease. She had a very slight fever last Saturday of 102.2 and a slightly elevated red and white cell count.

Any thoughts or suggestions is helpful! Thank you!


Longblades January 19th, 2014 08:15 AM

Can you try a different Vet? Sorry she is having these troubles and I think you are right to be concerned when it's a sudden change.

marko January 19th, 2014 10:35 AM

I'm with LB here - given the suddenness of onset and variety of symptoms, the vet's answer seems unsatisfactory and I'd likely get a second opinion from a recommended vet.

Can you name the tests the dooger has already had?

Barkingdog January 19th, 2014 10:52 AM

I agree with the others about seeing an other vet and maybe going to a vet hospital to find out what is wrong with your dog . She could have an infection, was the urine tested too, and you have any thing toxic around your dog could had gotten into ? Dogs do not get a fever from being unhappy. I think it's time to find a new vet.

sssullivan January 19th, 2014 04:52 PM

To be honest, our dogs go to the vet/groomers very seldom. They are groomed at home (baths, cut and nails trimmed, ears cleaned out) and since they are never kenneled or around other animals they haven't been updated on shots in 5 years (I know, we need to get them up to date but 2 of them are 12 years old and becoming senile). Anyway, Bella has had blood panel done, they checked her for Cushings, diabetes, did an X-ray, and a fecal matter culture.

Dog Dancer January 20th, 2014 12:08 AM

Sorry to hear about your pup, but don't worry too much about the shots, they are highly over used and aside from maybe rabies being mandatory the rest are not. Most dogs have full immunity if they had shots as puppies. Anyhow, that's not the issue here. A new vet with a second opinion is definitely in the works here (don't let them sell you shots though). I would ask the current vet for a copy of the tests you had done if you don't already have them, so you don't have to get them done again. Sorry I have no answers for you though. No shots should be given to a dog who is sick anyhow, but if you don't want to do shots you can always titer test the dog (at a later time) to see if the immunities are in place.

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